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Invest in Your Child's Journey to Bar/Bat Mitzvah

A Matched Savings Program unique to Beth Torah

Passport to B’nai Mitzvah is a partnership savings program between families who are planning for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah of their child(ren) and Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus made possible by the Sol Lipson z”l Passport to Bar & Bat Mitzvah Fund. All BTBRC member families are eligible and encouraged to participate and start investing in their child’s Journey to Bar/Bat Mitzvah at an early age.


Any current member of Beth Torah with a child entering first grade is eligible to enroll in the Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah program on their behalf. The Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah is similar to a savings account which is held by BTBRC.

Enrollment is simple and can be done here.


As part of the Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah program, the fees related to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah of a child will be shared between the family and Beth Torah Adath Yeshurun, Inc. You select the amount to contribute on your child’s behalf. As of April 11, 2024, the BTBRC Bar/Bat Mitzvah fee is $3,600. Unless otherwise agreed upon in advance in writing, the maximum amount per year a family can deposit into their child’s Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah Fund is $900.

Get Matched

 For every $900 a family pays into their child’s Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah account, BTBRC will contribute $300. Therefore, a family’s contribution is $2,700. BTBRC will contribute $900 for a total of $3,600, the total fee for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Beth Torah. All funds received for the Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah program will be held in a separate account managed by BTBRC and designated only for this program.

Mazal Tov!

Current members of BTBRC with membership dues paid and payments to your Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah account completed no later than 6 months prior to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah are on their way to Mazal Tov!

SOL LIPSON z”l, was a Holocaust survivor who joined Beth Torah in 1968 and remained a member until his passing in 2022. Sol held on to a positive attitude towards life and a deep love of Yiddishkeit, the Jewish people, Israel, America and family. Sol and his late wife, Suzanne z”l (who was also a Holocaust survivor) and came to the U.S. in 1953. He loved children and was committed to their Jewish education.

saving PROGRAM


Fees for Bar/Bat Mitzvah at BTBRC will most likely increase over time, however, once your child is enrolled, they are locked into the current fee at the time of enrollment.

Unless otherwise agreed upon in advance in writing, the maximum amount per year a family can deposit into their child’s Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah Fund is $900.

Payments can be made beginning when the child enters First Grade.

Yes, the “Passport” program is intended for a child who will have their Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Beth Torah and will be enrolled in the J2M, Journey to Mitzvah, program at Beth Torah. For more information on the J2M program, visit:

No, but our hope is that your child will grow and learn with us prior to being enrolled in the J2M program. For more information on the Scheck Family Religious School, visit:


Payments to your Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah account must be completed no later than 6 months prior to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

All funds received for the Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah program will be held in a separate account managed by BTBRC and designated only for this program. Payments made are held by Beth Torah Adath Yeshurun, Inc. in the name of the family and may only be applied toward Bar/Bat Mitzvah fees. Any interest earned will be used to further enhance the Sol Lipson z”l Passport to Bar & Bat Mitzvah Fund.

The funds added by BTBRC will only be added when reaching the $900. $1,800. or $2.700 threshold: partial payments will not be made by BTBRC. In other words, once the initial $900 threshold is reached, BTBRC will deposit $300 into your child’s account for a total of $1,200. For every $900 deposited, BTBRC will deposit and additional $300 into your child’s account to reach the $3,600 total.

In the event a family resigns their BTBRC membership for any reason, the amount contributed (as of the date of resignation) toward the Passport to Bar/Bat Mitzvah program will be returned to the family, less any outstanding amounts owed to Beth Torah Adath Yeshurun, Inc. at the time of resignation.


Thank you for your interest in Beth Torah’s Passport to B’nai Mitzvah Matched Savings Program. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you soon!

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