North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
9:00 AM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
10:30 AM
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
7:00 PM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
9:00 AM
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
7:00 PM - Every Friday with Rabbi Mario Rojzman
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
10:00 AM
Hollywood, 33024 United States
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North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
6:30 PM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
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North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
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North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
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North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
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10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
4:00 PM
North Miami Beach, FL 33180 United States
5:15 PM
Use right and left arrows to see additional events
Dates, times, and details subject to change
High Holy Days Campaign
– Enhance our campus with increased security measures
– Continuously provide excellent Jewish education and religious experiences to all ages
– Grow and enrich our spiritual, cultural, and social programs for our diverse community
– Provide scholarships and financial aid to allow those in need to participate in Beth Torah life
– Further develop and expand our youth programs for the next generation
Book of Remembrance 5785
Include your dearly departed loved ones in the memorial pages of this year’s BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE, a printed and digital book, which will be used during our Yizkor Service on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Pesach and Shavuot.
This year, we will also feature a special section to honor the victims of the 10.7 attacks in Israel and the fallen IDF soldiers. It’s a deeply moving way to pay tribute to their sacrifice and ensure their memories live on.
Honey from the Heart
This charming bottle of honey arrives in a box with a personalized card delivered before the holiday. What a lovely way to let those you love know that you care.
Free shipping when you order by August 8th!
Sisterhood New Year's Greetings
.Share greetings with the congregation in the online High Holy Days New Year’s Greetings booklet. Place your order online by September 23. You may list your name for as little as $10 or include a personal message for $18. For questions call Arlene at (954) 433-0895.
May these High Holy Days bring you and your loved ones a sense of renewal, reflection, and spiritual growth. We are honored to celebrate this sacred time with you and the entire Beth Torah community. We wish you and yours a HEALTHY and SWEET New Year.