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Worship Opportunities

It is important what you pray,
it is important to whom you pray,
but it is most important with whom you pray.

Rabbi Mario Rojzman


Weekday morning minyanim begin at 8:30 AM from Sunday to Friday on ZOOM.

As a synagogue, we believe that having a weekday minyan is the foundation of Jewish Community. We are proud to be one of the only Conservative Synagogues in the country to have not missed a morning minyan in years. 


Not everyone can make it to a morning minyan, so we also offer the opportunity to join our Community of Prayer for an evening minyan at 7:00 PM from Sunday to Thursday on ZOOM

Depending on the time of the year, this will include both Mincha and Ma’ariv or just Ma’ariv alone.  It’s the perfect way to end your day.


Shabbat B’Yachad at 7:00 PM

Led by Senior Rabbi Mario Rojzman and Cantor Marcos Askenazi, this very popular service is known for its unique intimacy and musical flavor. With orchestral and vocal accompaniment, this service is filled with songs from the most famous Jewish composers to contemporary artists like the Beatles. 

Join us in person or watch virtually via YouTube or Facebook


Shabbat morning service at 9:30 AM

A fully egalitarian, traditional service in which our Rabbis alternate who gives the D’var Torah/Sermon throughout the year and members of the community help lead the worship experience.

Join us in person or watch virtually via YouTube or Facebook