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Beth Torah’s Member Cookbook

Have you ever wondered what makes Laurie Farber’s brisket so tasty?  How about Rabbi Rojzman’s favorite gluten-free dessert? Or why are Cantor Marcos’ margaritas so easy to drink?
Well, you’re about to get the chance to find out!

A New Beth Torah Cookbook
Is Coming To You This Year!

This is where you come in! Every family and every cook in our congregation has their favorite go-to recipes and we want to showcase as many of them as possible.

Recipes in all categories will be collected: appetizers, soups and salads, main courses, desserts, special holiday and shabbat foods, and even cocktails, if you’re so inclined.

Recipes Submissions


You can submit your family favorite recipes online or in person. 
Printed copies of the recipe form are available in the Main Office.

The recipe submission deadline closed. 

The goal is for one or more of your submissions to be included in Beth Torah’s ‘Oh My Gosh! Let’s Nosh!’ Beth Torah’s Member Cookbook 2023.  Your name will be printed in the cookbook along with each of your recipes.

Our recipe for a great recipe submission:

Step 1:
Make sure that all recipes submitted contain only Kosher ingredients.

Step 2:
Submit just one recipe per form

Step 3:
Use the bottom of the form for an anecdote or interesting story you would like to share about your recipe.

Beyond helping us ensure every family in our congregation is represented in our cookbook, we hope you will support this important fundraising project by buying a cookbook for yourself, your extended family, and friends.  Cookbooks are available for sale with a pre-sale incentive of a special gift accompanying all orders placed before July 1, 2023. For those cookbooks purchased as gifts by August 15, 2023, we will ship them in time for the High Holy Days!

Your family recipes, youth artwork and your support will make sure this is a success for Beth Torah!

Cookbook Artwork Submissions


To help promote art and creativity among our youth, we are hosting an art contest for the cookbook section dividers and would love for you to submit your original artwork. The winners will receive $50 and a free cookbook! 

Please submit all original artwork by June 15.

Submissions should be placed in a manila envelope and can be dropped at the synagogue. ATT: Cookbook Committee

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